Category: Events

Over $6,000 Raised at the Black Friday Grapplethon

A nonprofit organization is truly defined by its generous volunteers.

This was never more evident when Matt Corley of BJJ Legends Magazine reached out to us with a brilliant idea—the Black Friday Grapplethon. The 12-hour Grapplethon, hosted by Finney’s Hit Squad, just steps from the Mississippi River, would unite grapplers around the St. Louis area to raise money on behalf of Tap Cancer Out.

Numerous sponsors stepped up, including OSS Gear, Fight Soap, Ronin Brand, Tatami Fightwear, CTRL Industries, Digitsu and more, to provide awesome merchandise and prizes for the fundraisers and attendees. Over 50 participants from 10 different gyms, including 17 who fundraised on our behalf, came together to support our cause, and we couldn’t be more grateful.

Ultimately, the event, which featured mini-seminars from Nova União brown belt Nick Sanders and ATT/Kiko France black belt Ezra Lenon, raised over $6,000 for Tap Cancer Out. This is far and away the most successful volunteer-run event in our nonprofit’s short history. But more importantly, Matt and the Black Friday Grapplethon has created a blueprint for other volunteers to host their own events to support our cause.

All of us at Tap Cancer Out and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society thank Matt, the sponsors, Finney’s Hit Squad, the fundraisers, attendees, and all those who made this event possible.

If you’re interested in hosting your own Grapplethon to support Tap Cancer Out, shoot us an email and we’ll get you started!