Host a Grapplethon
Independently Organized Cancer Fighting Events
Host Toolkit


Fundraising Perks
Every attendee is encouraged to set up their own fundraising page. Any attendee who raises at least $100 will earn a complimentary ticket into the Grapplethon. The more you fundraise, the more prizes you earn from Tap Cancer Out and our sponsors!
PLUS, for all their generous work, every Grapplethon host will receive ALL the fundraising perks, including a FREE Gi!
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s a Grapplethon?
Why host one on behalf of Tap Cancer Out?
There are two elements of a TCO Grapplethon that sets it apart from other charitable BJJ events you may have seen:
- Fundraising Perks: While competitors may pay a door fee, they are encouraged to fundraise using our state-of-the-art fundraising platform where they can earn perks including free entry to the event, exclusive t-shirts, rashguards, hoodies, and even a free gi!
- You don’t have to go it alone: You’ll have the full support of Tap Cancer Out—we’ll set up your event page on our fundraising platform, print the posters, connect with our sponsors to send gear for you to raffle, and much more. Plus we’ve got a downloadable volunteer toolkit with all the vital information and paperwork you’ll need.
Can anyone volunteer to host a Grapplethon?
How do we raise money?
Where do our funds go?
Tap Cancer Out is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All funds donated are tax-deductible and benefit our 2016-2017 beneficiary, the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCan). In 2016 we donated $210,000 to PanCan and have committed in 2017 to fund a $300,000 translational research grant. Ultimately our goal is to help them double the pancreatic cancer survival rate by 2020 (it already rose 1% from 8-9% in 2016!). You can read more about all of our financials in our Annual Report.
Because we are a 501(c)(3), funds raised at our events and on our fundraising platform must be used for either Tap Cancer Out expenses or donated to our designated beneficiary. A Tap Cancer Out Grapplethon can not fund a local or individual cause. If you’d like to host your own Grapplethon for a purpose like helping pay for someone’s medical bills, then our platform can’t be used. However, definitely download our toolkit and use the tips to host your own event.
Is it just limited to my school?
Brands You Can Count On for Support
The Perks of Fundraising
- Raise more than $100 and you will earn your entry fee to the Grapplethon
- Raise more than $200 and you will earn your entry fee PLUS get a free Tap Cancer Out patch
- Raise more than $400 and you will earn your entry fee, a TCO patch, PLUS get an EXCLUSIVE Under Armour Tap Cancer Out tee exclusive to fundraisers
- Raise more than $600 and you will earn your entry fee, a TCO patch, an EXCLUSIVE fundraiser tee, PLUS your choice of a Tap Cancer Out Manto Rashguard or any Tap Cancer Out hoodie
- Plus ALL fundraisers are entered into multiple raffles that will be held throughout the day for various door prizes donated from our sponsors, Inverted Gear and Armor Kimonos
- All hosts (one per event) will receive all these perks automatically!
Past Grapplethons
Click the poster to read about the event: