If you are not yet registered for Global Grappling Day, we hope that you’ll join us! It’s FREE to sign up and you’ll earn all kinds of great perks for fundraising. You can register here! Also, if you are interested in being a Global Grappling Day...
It’s a no-brainer that sharing your Classy.org fundraising page on social media will help bring in the big bucks but if you aren’t that familiar with the process, it may be a little confusing. This article is here to walk you through the process of sharing...
Did you know that you can sync your personal fundraising page to a Facebook fundraiser? We use a fundraising platform called Classy.org, which is where your personal fundraising page is hosted, and they recently released a feature that allows you to set up a synced...
This has been a very tough time for all us BJJ practitioners. Most of us have never been away from the mats this long. But that doesn’t mean you have to completely give up on your BJJ training! There has been quite a bit of ingenuity and generosity coming...
Looking for the perfect gift for the grappler in your life? We’re here to help! We’ve created the Tap Cancer Out Gift Guide to help you give a gift that is not only meaningful but allows us to fight for those in the fight of their lives. Our BJJ gift guide...
**Tap Cancer Out is an approved 501(c)3 non-profit that hosts charitable jiu-jitsu events across the country. We strive to create the most impactful and well-run BJJ tournaments around. Learn more by visiting www.tapcancerout.org** I try to find comfort in the fact...